
so. . . i picked this out of the bbc news. . . . did you have any idea that it was marriage protection week?! well, i know i didn't! check this out real fast!

For it is Marriage Protection Week in the United States, proclaimed by President George W Bush "to focus our efforts on preserving the sanctity of marriage", with the support of 30 conservative groups.

Many of these organisations believe that marriage - which they see as the bedrock of American society - has been placed in grave danger both by homosexual activists who are calling for same-sex unions, and feminists who in recent decades have placed great emphasis on women's independence and sexual liberation.

"Society has long been telling women they don't need men and they don't need marriage. But they do - sexual freedom is not a substitute. With this trend we have allowed men to become irresponsible playboys," says Janice Shaw Crouse, a senior fellow at a think-tank within Concerned Women For America, which is sponsoring the week.

"Meanwhile marriage is also under immense threat from same-sex unions, which are widely known to be promiscuous and unstable, no matter how much they say they are not."

i don't know if i can propery express my disgust over this. i had thought about giving myself a little more of the day to form my thought and feelings . . . .but no! i must vent now!

lets start with the idea of "preserving the sanctity of marriage." more than 50% of marriages end in divorce these days. . . if the sanctity is the issue, then i think we need to completely understand what this word means. according to merriam webster sanctity is : the quality or state of being holy or sacred

i feel that if people are hastily and hapharzardly getting married and then, within a few years, getting divorced. . . that kinda messes with the sacredness of the marriage institution. saying one is married doesn't carry the weight it once did. . . it seems to barely carry the ounce of paper it is declared upon. (or possibly it is heavier on the checkbook than the marriage certificate)

i really wish i had a statistic of gay and lesbian unions. i wonder if the percentage of 'same sex union splits' are as high? i think the opposition of gay and lesbian marriage is ridiculous. if people are willing to make that kind of committment to each other, they should be allowed to do so. for some reason, i also think that the adversity already faced by a gay or lesbian couple somehow strengthens their bond and makes them a more likely candidate for a lifetime union. . . but i have no facts or percentages to back me up on that one. . .

the feminist issue that was also thrown in with the whole thing i find completely absurd and irrational. ". . . With this trend we have allowed men to become irresponsible playboys," um. . .. like they weren't before?????!!!!!!!


and did you know that there were only two choices, being a woman. . . either you are married (and apparently completely faithful . . . .HA!. . . ) or you are a sexually free whore. . . i can only assume that is what is meant in the statement above.

hmmm. . . . have you ever known a couple to just be in a committed relationship throughout their lives? i have. . . . i've also known women who aren't married, but aren't sluts. . . imagine that. you know. . . the extremists above did forget one option. . . marriage, whore, and . . . . . . nun. come on. . . who can forget the mother, whore, virgin triumvirate. . . . silly right wing bastards.

ok. . . i think you get the idea. i'm rather opposed to the 'marriage protection week'. . . and what it stands for. i'm all for legalizing same sex marriages. . . maybe in the end they'll do better with it than the breeders (. . . sorry, the heterosexuals. . . damn, i'm really fired up over this) and bring sanctity to the institution of marriage once more.

"and we'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere . . .and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys."

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