
i think i'm too depressed to blog. . . . i wonder if there will be any psychiatrists that will make out fiscally from election depression?

well, one thing to be happy? about is that this time next week, i should have cable, and shortly after that. . .cable modem. . . . whoo-hoo.

i almost posted different thoughts along the whole election. . . .but i think i've become apathetic.

i am glad i no longer live in ohio. . . i guess that's one thing. hope all is well with you all.

1 comment:

LiteraryVice432 said...

maybe not so much the psychiatrists as the drug companies that produce anti-depressants. amen to not living in ohio, althougth we (living in NM) did fail the evaluation by GLESN. or maybe you were referring to the whole vote counting thing? i don't know, i'm too much of a gay rights activist sometimes, i have a one track mind most of the time. i hate it when i rhyme. damn!