
oh, what!

i realize i’ve done very little with this blog lately. . . . guess i’ve been uninspired. work has been work, life has been life. . . not too much to note. my roomie got a dog, and i suppose i should post a pic or something. . . but i just don’t feel like it. and i’ve been kicking around with a couple more philosophical ideas. . . but they are gonna be long winded, and i’m just not ready to tackle it.

i did have a friend travel through this week. liz chany, a friend from kent, was moving from the dc area to la jolla. she and a friend were making the drive together and they stopped by monday evening. liz had been telling her friend, amanda, about all these great places to eat and such here in santa fe. . . . we did do cowgirl for dinner, and maria’s for margaritas. . . and of course. . . baking company for breakfast in the morning. . . -best orange juice in town. they were gonna do some walking around in the plaza and all before they left, but i got to take them to a few places before i had to get to work.

first off. . . who could miss ‘fridgehenge’. . . . well, once you know it exists! so we took a quick drive out there and then out to the opera for a whirlwind tour. then i headed back to work and they went on their way. it was really fun to sit and chat and try to catch up on news about each other as well as anyone else we had been in touch with. then they told me that their next stop was the grand canyon! and NEITHER of them had ever been there before! WELL. . . i had to give them any advice i possibly could. . . the whole ‘sunrise/ sunset’ thing. . . . the IMAX thing. . . and how i could tell them how amazed they were going to be, but how it wouldn’t do the actual feeling and experience any justice. i can’t wait to hear their thoughts!

ummmmm. . . . i started playing video games. yes, as my 30th birthday present from my brother, i got a playstation 2. i’ve never been much of a gamer. . . just missed that ride somehow. i got a little interested in ‘american mcgee’s alice’. . . . but i still have never finished it- i got all the way to the end at school once. i had the game saved on a special computer lab computer. and after getting to the last boss and needing to save it in order to finish my homework. . . .the lab crashed a couple of days later. . . i lost all my saves. . . and since i’m really bad at the game. . . i need those saves in order to survive. well, i never quite got back to it after that.

i was recently introduced to katamari damacy. . . and i have to admit, i’m a sucker for the cartoony games- i always picked sonic over anything else my friends had. well, i mentioned to my brother that i would like to try it out. . . and he offered to set me up. i’m thinking. . . how often am i really gonna play? so i declined. then a couple of weeks later, i was in a more whimsical mood.. . . and i said, ‘yeah, set me up.’ he sent me out the playstation 2 and a couple of games, including katamari. dude. . . i love this game. i’m not so good at it. . . . but i do get better and advance through the levels. . . and the music is crazy fun. . . . and since my weekend evenings are a little quiet, i can sit around and play without bothering anyone. doubt i’ll get to play much during the summer. . . but maybe i’ll bring the station in and set it up to play in downtime during shows. we’ll see.

well. . . .i gotta roll. . . my katamari that is!

1 comment:

jakalof said...

Hey! I hit the "next blog" button from my blog and I landed up on yours. The coincidence is that I live in Albuquerque. Just a shout out to ya! Hey!