
"the one that got stuck?"

i had intended on starting this blog with, “well, here it is, december 13 and we still have no snow. . . except for the snow i didn’t get to see while i was away on thanksgiving.”

i can’t really start that way today though. . . i woke up and noticed that there was a couple of fluffy inches on the ground.

whoo hoo

so, first off. . . .got home LATE last night, or late for me, since i’m usually asleep by 11 at the latest during the winter season. . . and we got in from a concert around 12:30. . . asleep around 1am. . . ouch.

what concert you ask. . . the Brian Setzer Orchestra Christmas Spectacular! it was soooooooo SPECTACULAR! he is such an amazing musician, and his band ROCKS. . . especially the trumpet section. . . my favorites. i even enjoyed the christmas music, which really rocked as well. one of the final pieces was a swinging rocked out version of the nutcracker suite. . . i thought i’d never like that music again. . . . ahhhh. . . . brian setzer, another hero to add to the list. dad, i think you would love this show.

so, yes, i overslept my alarm a bit, but i had to make it in for a designer presentation at 8am. so i was out the door by 7:30. there was the snow, and the not so well plowed roads. i hit the useless round-about before the main road which set me fishtailing. the fishtailing got worse. i corrected, and calmly i heard my dad’s voice, ‘keep the front of the car in the front.’ i kept correcting, actually over correcting. about three major fishtails, and there i was in a 360. (before i get further, mom, i’m fine) the road was completely clear, lucky for me, lucky for anyone else. after stopping, i took a deep breath and turned back onto the road to head to work.

then, there was opera drive.

the opera drive that i was able to make it up last year when no one else could. i was within 100 yards of the gate. . . the last rough hill and curve. and my tires slipped. so, i was stuck. (again, mom. . . fine) i called my coworkers and they sent out reinforcements. before that though, there were three other people stuck on the same hill. the situation was complicated. . . people were pulling out shovels and trying to sand the road.

anyway. . . . a half hour later i was in the opera. and we were able to start the designer presentation, a half hour late.

later that day i attempted to make up for it by doing a decent amount of the grilling for lunch. carnivore smores and burgers. mmmmmm. while grilling (in the snow) i stepped onto a piece of slick scenery buried in the snow and fell directly on my ass, in the puddle being made by the melting snow from overhead. . . did i mention i had been slicing cheese with a hatchet and was holding the hatchet as i fell?

today kind of felt like i needed a do over.

again, i was fine, but rather wet and cold. we set up for lunch with the crew and designer. this particular designer, paul brown, is really fantastic. his costume renderings are really gorgeous, and the scenery designs are beautiful and innovative. and on top of it all, he seems to be a really nice guy. when he was here last, i remembered wishing i had the chance to listen to his talk backs and ask him questions, but we were too busy. i figured with the day i had been having so far, there was no chance of me partaking in sparkling conversation.

while grilling, paul brown came over to see if i needed any help, and then asked, ‘aren’t you the one that got stuck?’ yes, i will forever be immortalized in this world renowned designer’s memory as the girl that held up his presentation while getting my car stuck. fantastic. ugh. . .

a group of us continued to chat during lunch, sharing some fun snowy car stories. paul asked where i was originally from, and when he found out that i was from northern ny, he gave me a hard time about not having any excuse for driving poorly in the snowy weather. he had a point. i’m a disappointment to my upbringing. christ!. . . the first time i drove ever was on black ice! arg.

so that was my day. how was yours?

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