
this is from a while back, but i wanted to make sure it made it in . . . at the very least to share it with some of my friends.

these are shots from the last party at the puss lounge. chris. . . hope you don't mind me pirating the shots. . . none of mine came out that night.

this is a special shot of all the graduate students that were present shortly before i left. there's chris, adam, sarah, matt, kelly, myself, and swon. if i'm a little red in the face, it's cause i was crying as i was getting ready to leave.

this is a shot from the entrace to the lounge. . . across the pool table to the bar.

if i wanted to make the same time i made last year in driving from kent ohio to santa fe new mexico. . . i should've left by 4pm that friday. but as i put everything in my car. . . shut up my apartment with swon, and got to see a few people for a late lunch i realized that there were too many people left that i wouldn't see unless i went to the puss lounge party that night. a group of us sat around the lunch table trying to calculate my driving time in order to make it work. . . and in the end i was convinced i needed to stay for the party. . . . here's a group of the girls. . .

sadly. . . matt and chris, who owned and generously shared the puss lounge on many a party occasion. . . had to dismantle it when they moved earlier this summer. . . .

puss lounge in it's glory. . .

the bar. . .

the make-out/sleeping corner. . .

the pool table and the card table. . .

for all those who were a part of the puss lounge. . . even though i only went my last year there. . . i love and miss you all!

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