
when it rains it pours

about two weeks ago i meant to write something insightful and metaphorical.

lost steam.

something about how when trevor was in town i heard from not one, but two estranged friends through email. i got so excited to hear from them. it seemed that they were interested in reconnecting a bit. so i quickly sent messages back thinking we would all start this massive correspondence. . . immediately.

guess in the land of pulling a fast one, i would make a good ‘mark.’

i haven’t heard word one back. . . from either of them. . . it’s been two weeks.

wish i could retroactively unsend email.

wish my hasty replies didn’t make me look so desperate.

wish it didn’t bother me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're not desperate, I'm just a perpetual ass-hole! Have left the ashram and will likely be back in Ohio in a week's time. Will figure out how to skype from there. Promise. But honestly, I don't trust me anymore, either. Miss you, looks like you're having fun! Have a beer and ridiculous amounts of Bimbimbap for me! Sarah