
black hole.1

black hole.1, originally uploaded by ekissam.

this is the black hole. it's in los alamos, nm. this guy named crazy ed runs it. he's really hard of hearing, but he's a fascinating individual. he collects all the stuff the los alamos labs toss. there are no prices on anything. so depending on the day, and his mood, and whether or not he wants to sell it at that time, you may get an out of this world deal. . . or completely shafted. he's also a bit of a conspiracy nut. but you'd have to be to get this collection started, i'd guess.

black hole.2

black hole.2, originally uploaded by ekissam.

a quick survey of the landscape. . . one could easily get lost. . . or at least lose many hours here.

black hole.3

black hole.3, originally uploaded by ekissam.

there were more trailers. . . and well, more stuff this time around than last year.

black hole.4

black hole.4, originally uploaded by ekissam.

phil likes to keep really clean. . . as much as it looks like a joke, i think he'd actually like to own one of these.

black hole.5

black hole.5, originally uploaded by ekissam.

what exactly would you put in these drawers?

black hole.6

black hole.6, originally uploaded by ekissam.

massive blocks of plexi/ lexan. . ..

black hole.7

black hole.7, originally uploaded by ekissam.

massive blocks of uhmw.

black hole.8

black hole.8, originally uploaded by ekissam.

this is kind of incredible. it's uhmw, cut way thin. . . and in the shape of an enormous cd label. i don't get it, but i kinda want it. . . but i have no reason, or place to keep it.

black hole.9

black hole.9, originally uploaded by ekissam.

yep. . . more stuff. and this is all outside, next we'll head inside.

black hole.10

black hole.10, originally uploaded by ekissam.

he does have a thing for the bomb.

black hole.11

black hole.11, originally uploaded by ekissam.

i would think that as an electrician. . . (ok, fake electrician) i would figure what some of this is. . . .but no.

black hole.12

black hole.12, originally uploaded by ekissam.

could make a wicked cool tv screen/ dvd player, and speaker set up.

black hole.13

black hole.13, originally uploaded by ekissam.

no clue.

black hole.14

black hole.14, originally uploaded by ekissam.

now this, i would want, don't know what i'd do with it. . . . but it looks so friggin cool.

black hole.15

black hole.15, originally uploaded by ekissam.

oh look! a whatsamajigger!!

black hole.16

black hole.16, originally uploaded by ekissam.

HA. . . and underneath some more junk, an altman 360! now that, i can assure you, is some crap not worth wasting your money on.

black hole.17

black hole.17, originally uploaded by ekissam.

keyboards. . . . keyboards. . . anyone?

black hole.18

black hole.18, originally uploaded by ekissam.

sometimes i wonder. . . other than making a cheesy 1950's sci fi film. . . who and why would people be coming to buy some of this stuff? ok, ok. . . it would make my room look REALLY cool to having blipping oscilloscopes all over the place. . .

black hole.19

black hole.19, originally uploaded by ekissam.

here forrest demonstrates how he'd like to use this apparatus as a breakfast burrito transferal device.

black hole.20

black hole.20, originally uploaded by ekissam.

it's a jungle out there. . . or in there. skulking about can get you into a mess.

some guitar hero

some guitar hero, originally uploaded by ekissam.

i was worried i wouldn't have a chance to play. . . but oh no! not only do we play, we duel. . . and here's charlie showing off his wireless guitar's range playing against travis through the window.


isotopes.1, originally uploaded by ekissam.

part of the line up. . .. hmmm, one person seems to be having a good time, and the other doesn't. . . perhaps he just ran out of beer.


isotopes.2, originally uploaded by ekissam.

the other part of the line up.


isotopes.3, originally uploaded by ekissam.

this is where i get my dad one of his most envied hats.


week one. . . GO!

well, i left california and headed back to santa fe for another fun filled summer at the opera. i did get to see a bit of a calarts graduation, but i missed an art exhibit that sounded really cool. . . and a number of other things i thought would be fun to do while still in the LA area. but that whole packing and cleaning thing took over more time than expected. . . . as usual. one good thing. . . i got a trip into the chiropractor literally right before pulling out of town. - sure probably not the best idea. . . but it felt good.

the drive through the mojave was rough. . . too bright, too hot. . . and one moment of panic where i thought i wouldn’t make it to the next gas station. guess i should be thankful for that one pit of a stop area where they charge over $4 a gallon. . . . i guess i really am. definitely beats waiting for a gallon of gas escorted by AAA out in the middle of the desert in the middle of the day.

it’s been a kind of awkward start. not terribly so, but just not having at the opera from the very first set of electricians is weird. i was worried that i’d missed a lot of the bonding activities that we do in the first couple of weeks. but in my first week we fit in a trip to the ‘black hole,’ a bbq, and an isotopes baseball game.- oh yeah, and we worked. there are a number of new faces around, and katy’s been trying to fill me in on all the gossip that i missed in the past six months. i lasted a whole two days before my allergies surfaced. . . and when they did, they brought their power tools. the area had a lot more snow and rain, so there’s a lot more green and a lot more blooming. yipee. . .*a-choo!*