
on the short

well, i’m sick, two days out of work so far, and i’ll have to see how tomorrow goes.

very briefly, great thanksgiving -will have pictures and stories . . . a decent drive, and yes, i still need to catch up on the whole trip to florida. . . but i’m too sick right now. . .

and i’m not sure if it’s weighing in, but i got news over the holidays that a woman i worked with at the barter passed away on thanksgiving. she battled breast cancer for a number of years, and i’d gotten word that she wasn’t doing well again.

her name is alice white. she was a performer at the barter, and i worked on a couple of shows with her. i’ve heard from friends that worked with her longer, of her many endearing qualities which only confirmed my feelings for her, knowing her as little as i did.

i have one incredible memory of her, which i always thought gave a well rounded view of her personality. a group of us had gone to the movies, we were seeing ‘sixth sense.’ we passed alice and another actor, quinn, on the way to our seats. there’s a part in the movie where it’s explained that a little girl died through her mother’s poisoning. . . . munchausen by proxy. when the audience gets to see the video tape of the mom poisoning her daughter’s food, i distinctly heard alice react, ‘oh my word,’ ‘poor child,’ ‘ohhh, my.’ all i could think was, typical alice and smile. her empathy, sympathy, and love for all things living was unbridled.

my friend john probably said it best here. . . .
john's blog

and he has a phenomenal picture of her- it really speaks volumes.

alice kept a blog for a little while, during her chemo and such. . . .

alice white

alice white

Originally uploaded by ekissam.

i got the news about alice passing the day after thanksgiving. i relayed it to trevor, who had worked with her for a number of years. later while we were cleaning up from thanksgiving left overs, i noticed the bottle of wine that he had opened the day before, for the thanksgiving meal. he hadn't noticed, the name on the bottle.



Originally uploaded by ekissam.

LDI conference, the original reason for my trip to florida. as we were lining up for registration we found terrance with a group of his classmates. chris, terrance, me, and travis.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

chris and me at the irish pub at pleasure island.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

a group of us went out to pleasure island for dinner and fun. forrest, me, chris, and his friend from school, kate. after this we toured each of the clubs, caught the comedy show, and were there as they closed up the mannequin club. . . the one with the turntable dance floor.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

chris and i spent sunday at universal studios, and islands of adventure. we splurged on the extra pass to both parks, and the expedited pass. . . the lady told us we wouldn't have enough time to get to all the rides, possibly not even the second park. . . we proved her WRONG! we got on almost every ride, every ride we wanted to get on, and did spiderman 3 times! we were next in line when the hulk got shut down, we left, hit spiderman again, and hulk reopened, so we finally got on it!


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

the dr.doom ride, the only ride i wouldn't go on with chris at islands of adventure. i don't like the 'falling' things so much.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

erika helps her younger daughter, kass, through the jungle gym.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

this is erika's oldest daughter, maria. we played a pretty quick round of putt putt.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

after something like 7 years, i finally got to meet up with my close friend from highschool, now living in florida. erika, (yep, we had the same name) and i spent the day with her two daughters.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

pretty kitty, BIG pretty kitty. sara and i spent the afternoon at the big cat reserve near tampa. between me and this kitty was the fence you see, and a knee high barrier that we were strictly forbidden from leaning over only three feet from the fence.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

our tour was an hour before they were fed. . . a good time to go. more of the cats are out and about waiting for food. it's kind of amazing to hear these guys purrrr. . .


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

this cheeta took his perch on the tree as we walked by his cat-atat.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

ok, i thought ligers were a made up thing from 'napoleon dynomite.' turns out this lion and the white tiger up next were meant to be bred together to make ligers.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

now these two live together peacefully.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

apparently, we weren't a very exciting tour, according to this lioness.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

pretty pretty panther. it's really a good thing they have the strict rules about not crossing the fence. all i wanted to do was roll these guys onto their backs and scratch their bellies.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

this sand cat was no bigger than my cat at home. . . but he had a big cat attitude. he came out hissing, pacing, and growling. . . if it can even be called growling. oh. . . isn't he cute!


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

the snow leopards stayed hidden until it was time for dinner.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

this particular tiger had an altercation with our guide a number of years ago. . . looks like someone is holding grudges.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

sara and i spent the day a the lowry park zoo. one could feed the giraffe if you had enough tokens, but they didn't like to be pet.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

the elephant family.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

the kangaroo and wallabee walkabout.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

manatees and other fishies. . .


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

sara enjoying the view of the manatee pool.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

come. . . pet the stingrays, they are slimey. some guy told me to let them such on my fingers, because they don't have teeth. i informed him i liked to keep my fingers out of other animals. .. it's a policy of mine.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

horray for moneys! ok, primates. . . ok, ok, chimps. .. . damn i love watching monkeys :)


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

i don't remember what these actually were, but i'm calling them the howlers. it was unbelievable to hear how much noise these guys can make.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

these lemurs were cute. . . and quiet.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

babies were a think at the zoo. is this not THE MOST PRECIOUS THING EVER?!


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

what's better than being an orangutan? being an orangutan with a blankee that provides you, as well as onlookers, with much amusement. what problems could there be?


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

problem #1 some guy takes your prized blankee from you.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

problem #2, the guy that took your blankee is REALLY big.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

i watched this bit for about a half hour. skipping to the end, the little guy got his blankee back.


w. . . . . t. . . . . . f. . . ?!

this may be one for the books. i think i’ve mentioned my early morning dreams and how they tend to be of a caliber more bizarre then any thing else. my 5am work wake up doesn’t usually give me enough time to dream in such a way, but this morning proved different.

it starts out with me attending a grade school football game. i remember distinctly that the kids seemed to be made top heavy by their large helmets and overbearing shoulder pads. during the game i made small talk with duane schuler, (one of our lighting designers) and his wife. -i think i should apologize for bringing them into my dreams. . . it’s not that it’s dirty, it’s just so weird! there was a very young girl whining next to me about how tired she was. she must’ve been about 3. she kept sticking her head between the bars of the stands and whimpering that she wanted to go to bed. i felt bad that she was dragged to the game by her parents, who seemed to be unconcerned that she was up so late. duane, his wife, and i chatted about the game, and i remember thinking that if i had the chance i’d like to ask him his thoughts about next season, in the hopes that i could gauge whether or not i would miss it if i weren’t to return to the electrics department this summer. (ha, even my subconscious is trying to get a decent reading on the situation)

then there came, what i assumed to be the half-time show. suddenly the stands had split and there was a 90 degree angle between my seat and duane’s. a group of people marched out in front of us. i had passed them earlier in the dream, on my way to my seat. i was wondering why they were all gathered in a group. they didn’t actually have on uniforms or anything, but each of them tried to wear something sheer. . . gossamer like. but like i said, nothing matched. then they all started singing. there was an ill performed jazz hands routine that went along with what they sang. and that guy, from the ‘naked food,’ ‘naked chef’. . . whatever that show was called, the baby faced brit was a part of the group, and i thought i saw people like wolfgang puck as well. so then i figured that the singing group was all made of chefs.

here’s where it gets really funky. i remembered the lyrics to the chorus of the song, ‘your polonaise is outta space.’

now, as i interpret it upon waking. i thought polonaise was a type of sauce, like hollandaise. and by saying it’s ‘outta space,’ meant it was ‘outta sight’ (and you can add a double snap/ and point, because that’s what i do whenever i think of the saying, ‘outta sight.’)

however, upon researching, i discovered that polonaise has nothing to do with a culinary liquid, and the more i think about it, ‘outta space’ mean less and less.

polonaise, if you were wondering, according to http://dictionary.reference.com/ mean. . .

        1.        A stately, marchlike Polish dance, primarily a promenade by couples.
        2.        Music for or based on the traditional rhythm of this dance, having triple meter.
        3.        A woman's dress of the 18th century, having a fitted bodice and draped cutaway skirt, worn over an elaborate underskirt.

uh huh. . . so now what am i supposed to think?


to shower or not to shower:

that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageously greasy hair,
Or to take deodorant to my arms. . . .

or something like that. yeah. . . i just got back from a week and a half in florida yesterday afternoon. i’ve got a ton to write about. . LDI, a day at universal and islands of adventure, half a day at the big cat reserve, half a day at MOSI, half a day at the lowry park zoo. . . time spent with friends and family. . . some friends from a long time ago, some just from this summer, and one that blew me off. . .

ray, by the way, i have your mom on the phone, she says, “ YOU SUCK!”

really. . . . you. really. suck.

other than that, there was a lot of walking, and a lot of visiting. . . and it was totally fun. . . but today, i just wanted to lounge. and i did.

i had intended to shower, and maybe even go out to get an oil change, alas, it was not so. i watched some tv that my roommates taped in my absence. . . watched a movie, cooked, did a ton of laundry, and a little online work, but not much. and now it’s nearly time for bed.

i’ll have to import and upload the pictures and write the story some other time, but soon, because i’m taking off wednesday after work, up to phoenix for thanksgiving. whew. . .

till later. . .


hypothetically. . . .

we’ve all been there. the bathroom at work. (well, maybe i haven’t been to yours and you haven’t been to mine. . . or, maybe you have!. . . anyway) it’s not the most comfortable set up, usually. unless you happen to be one of those ‘important people’ who gets their own can as part of their office. usually one takes great care, thought, and deliberation in choosing which toilet to use, especially when one needs to take a crap.

perhaps there’s the one toilet that’s a little to small and close to coworkers, and one doesn’t want to be heard, suspected of, timed, smelled, and then blamed for the results of one’s trip to the bathroom. or perhaps one needs to time it correctly in order to miss the rush of coworkers in order to enjoy and relish in the alone time that most like to have in the bathroom.

i could relate my personal feelings that there is a conspiracy against me, personally, having the comfort, time, and peace that i prefer when ‘going a #2’ at my own work. how coworkers appear from nowhere to interrupt, and how i have to be wary of the costume shop schedule- nearly 60 women work there, and they all take their break at the same time (heaven help you if you need to pee or anything at that point). . . or how suspiciously when i need to go, that bathroom -no matter which one i choose at any time- needs to be cleaned, and i’m infringed upon by maintenance workers and their wheeled cart of disinfectant and cleaners. then, there’ the female one room/stall that’s right next to the male one room/stall. they share an air duct. i just find it impossible to perform when i can hear one of my coworkers, usually my boss, with the runs right next to me.

anyway, let’s say, hypothetically. that you are in the stall. everything is going smoothly, but you know you’ll be there for about 7 minutes, and you’ve taken out your phone to do some quality text messaging. you do so because your phone hides in your pocket and carrying a magazine or newspaper would be WAY to obvious. . . plus, you no longer have any good games on your phone since you’ve switched service. again, there you are, text messaging. someone else enters the bathroom and occupies a stall. there’s that immediate flurry in your mind . . . you wonder how long they will be staying. if they are going to be there for a long time as well, then it would be slightly creepy for you to never make a sound, so perhaps you should finish up. . . or blow your nose, tap your feet. . . something. if their stay is going to be really short, then you can just sit there, and make your presence known. . . or not. hypothetically, you were about to go for the nose blowing, but then you heard the other person pull from the toilet paper roll, dress themselves and flush. you are in the clear, so you sit quietly for them to leave. they wash their hands, you can hear the door open, and then something unexpected happens. they turn off the light. and instead of yelping out, you sit there, first in complete shock, then secondly in complete amusement, and thirdly. . . very slowly. . . you realize you are somewhat fucked. the screen of your phone is glowing, and since you figure-for the moment- there’s not much else you can do, you deliver the message and close the phone. then you REALLY realize exactly how pitch black dark it is. . . and there you are, a lighting technician without their flashlight. you theorize that you can finish the job by the light of your phone screen. but it requires more dexterity, and hands then you actually have, and the screen goes dim every minute or so. . . it’s too much of a pain.

here’s the question. do you attempt to finish out blind? figuring you were pretty much done anyway, and you’ll be able to turn on the light by the light of your phone in order to wash up. OR. . . do you quickly make your way penguin style (pants around ankles) out of the stall, again by the light of your phone, and make a mad dash to the light switch (in the great hopes that no one else casually strolls in and flips the light switch to be greeted by the sight of you with your pants around your ankles phone held at the ready in front of you like a weapon). . . and then head back to finish up? just hypothetically wondering. . . .


halloween decoration

halloween decoration
Originally uploaded by ekissam.

katy and i went to visit michael and leilani and their kids at a halloween open house. i helped michael gather up some lighting equipment for the extravaganza he had planned. as you can see, OBVIOUSLY (hehe) there are pieces from turandot cut up like flames and lit appropriately.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

katy and i carved pumpkins over at randy and mark's. mine is supposed to be the grim reaper and a moon. . . a little hard to tell. . . oh well.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

i walked out of the house and saw this immediately. thought it was worth a shot.


Originally uploaded by ekissam.

hey erika. why shouldn't you keep vinegar in a bottle with a metal cap?

well, you see kids, vinegar is an acid, and it eats away at metal. . . just as in this picture. the top of the cap has been melted off.